
Pucón weather in December
December is the early summer here, with an average high temperature of 62°F / 17°C and an average low of 45°F / 7°C.  The daylight lasts around 14 hours, with an average of 7 hours of sunshine. The UV index reaches a maximum of 3 which is moderate.
Running Shoes: The race is operated on asphalt roads and dirt roads; there are off-road sections, so trail running shoes are probably best. You should ideally wear running shoes that you are accustomed to wearing in your training. It is advised that you also bring a second pair of running shoes.
Running Shorts: Running shorts or half length running tights should work best. Some runners may elect to wear full length running tights.
Running Top: A t-shirt or long-sleeve top is necessary.
Gilet: A gilet / sleeveless jacket is good to have at hand.
Wind Jacket: A light wind jacket should be carried by all competitors. It will be useful in exposed, windy areas. Furthermore, if a competitor suffers an accident or injury, a wind jacket will help maintain body temperature until assistance arrives. A light jacket can be easily stored in a hydration pack, for example.
Hydration Pack: A hydration pack / camelback or hydration belt is mandatory. It is important to hydrate between checkpoints.
Sunglasses: The sunshine can be very bright and sunglasses are recommended for the race.
Hat: A hat to protect yourself from the sun is recommended.
Whistle: A whistle is mandatory to summon for assistance in case of falling or twisting an ankle.
Sunscreen: Important in blocking ultraviolet (UV) radiation from being absorbed by the skin.
Binoculars: Bring a pair of binoculars for stargazing - everything in the southern hemisphere sky will look upside down, if you're used to northern skies.
General clothing
The climate in Pucón is oceanic climate, also known as a marine climate, with a relatively narrow annual temperature range and few extremes of temperature. The rainfall in Pucón is significant, with precipitation even during the driest month. You should bear this is mind when packing for the trip.

Volcano Marathon

Pucon Edition